About This Site
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About Japan Links

The Japan Links is a comprehensive list of over 3,000 websites providing information on Japan. It is conveniently categorized by such items as government and politics, society, business and economy, mass media, and culture so that users who are interested in Japan can easily find and access specific sites that they are looking for.

About Each Entry

The Japan Links site manager has determined that each of the websites posted on the Japan Links site contributes to the introduction and/or promotion of Japanese culture, tourism, and other useful information and has obtained the permission of each website manager for its posting. Sites that violate public morals in any way are not posted. Also, in principle sites that have the purpose of making profits and sites operated by individuals are not carried, although such sites might be posted if, after individual screening, it is determined that the site concerned contributes to the introduction of Japan.

The entries include the following information about each website:

  • English site name
  • Japanese site name where available (Both in Japanese characters and romanized rendering in parenthesis; where the name contains terms borrowed from English, the original spelling is used (e.g., Center).)
  • URL: A link to each website. Where an English-language site is available, a link is made to the English site, except for those that requested otherwise. Where no English-language site is available, a link is made to its homepage, and a note that the site is only available in another/other language(s) is shown in parenthesis.
  • Excerpt from each website: The text below the URL is an excerpt from the website. In case there is no text available in the site (e.g. sites that only consist of images), no text is shown here. These excerpts are for users' convenience only.
  • Contact information (Address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail if confirmed. The site owner's name is provided in English where the site name is different from the owner organization's name.)

Responsibility of Sites Posted on Japan Links

The responsibility of sites posted on Japan Links lies solely with the operator and manager of the site concerned. The Japan Links site manager bears no responsibility whatsoever.

Copyright Notice

Copyrights for all materials contained in the Japan Links site are held by the Web Japan, except for photos and graphics that have been provided by secondary sources; copyrights for these materials are held by the original source. Materials may not be reproduced without prior permission of the copyright holder. Permission to reproduce any materials provided by secondary sources must be obtained from the original source.