An Environment-friendly, High-tech Jet

Computer graphic rendering of MRJ in flight ©Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation
The MRJ, a new regional jet Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation is developing through the use of advanced aeronautics and manufacturing technologies, is scheduled for its first test flight in 2012, with delivery planned for 2014.
Unlike the HondaJet, the outward appearance of the MRJ is similar to current passenger jets. Referred to as a "next-generation regional jet," the airframe geometry was designed using a supercomputer, and it is equipped with a new energy-saving, environmentally clean engine and assembled with the most advanced composite materials. As a result, the jet achieves a over 20% reduction in fuel-burn, while also delivering superb safety and reduced noise and toxic emissions during flight.

The New Slim Seat, fabricated with the latest technology, enables wider legroom, especially around the knees.
©Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation

MRJ flight deck. The four large liquid-crystal displays help the pilots understand the flight situation easily.
©Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation
The MRJ equipment is also packed with the all of latest features. Among these is the "New Slim Seat," fabricated with Japan's unique three-dimensional weaving technology. The cushion has a thickness of only 6 mm, which is much thinner than conventional seats and thereby creates wider legroom. It also offers enhanced seating comfort enabling a more pleasant flight.
The sizes, shapes, and histories of these two jets, made by Japanese firms may differ, but they are alike in that they benefit from Japan's technological expertise in the fields of safety and energy conservation. A number of orders have already been received for both the HondaJet and the MRJ. The day when these two jets proudly make their appearance at airports across the globe is almost here.
(Updated in February 2012)