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What's Cool

Fun and Delicious “Happy Meal”!

Part 2

Flags make the Happy Meal special

Happy Meal at a family-oriented restaurant. Ingredients are selected so that it can also be eaten by kids with allergies.

Happy Meal at a family-oriented restaurant. Ingredients are selected so that it can also be eaten by kids with allergies. ©Royal Host

 Without doubt, the mark of a Happy Meal is the flag mounted on top of the rice. The small paper flag attached to the tip of a toothpick has various designs, such as the picture of flags from around the world, including Japan, in addition to the restaurant's logo or picture of characters. After finishing eating the Happy Meal, there are some children who take the flag home as a souvenir from the fun meal.

Picture book

Picture book "Happy Meal Land" authored by Seiji Maruyama. A cute flag is standing

 This flag has also been made into a story of a picture book. The story is about a group of four friends, who go to eat a Happy Meal, venturing out to retrieve a stolen flag. Satoshi Maruyama, the author of the picture book, says, "The flag is a symbol of the Happy Meal. Even if they're eating with adults, if there is a Happy Meal, children can experience a special world that is only theirs. The Happy Meal is a menu with wonder and joy."

Feeling like a Cook

Happy Meal made by children at the contest. The name of the dish is

Happy Meal made by children at the contest. The name of the dish is "Me, animals, and flowers" © FUKUI BROADCASTING CO.,LTD

 Contests participated by children with the desire “to make a Happy Meal that is uniquely theirs” are held in various parts of Japan. In Fukui Prefecture, a contest has been held since over 20 years ago, where 30 teams of two elementary school children selected from among many applicants compete over their cooking skills. Children feel like they've become a first-class cook, donning a paired apron. They make a one and only Happy Meal in the world, incorporating many fun ideas like making animals or dinosaurs with the rice or a dish, and cutting carrots into shapes of stars or hearts.

Team of elementary school kids competing in making a Happy Meal Team of elementary school kids competing in making a Happy Meal 
Costumed elementary school kids cooking a dinosaur-themed dish Costumed elementary school kids cooking a dinosaur-themed dish 

 The Happy Meal in Japan is a fun and delicious treat that always brings excitement to children.

(July 2013)