The face scanner

A CG model of a face

Turning a photograph into a movie character

The completed character
During this space adventure, your face appears on the screen in three-dimensional computer graphic form. Joining the cast of characters is easy. First, your face is scanned and a photograph is taken. A moment later, a CG model is created. Next, you are assigned one of the 20 parts in the 13-minute story, which include pilots and warriors. In this movie, everybody is a hero. After this, you need only sit back and enjoy watching yourself in this genuine movie created by top Japanese and foreign artists.
The technologies that enable visitors to appear in this film are applications of physics. To control the characters' expressions, such as by making them smile using their distinctive facial features, artists use computer science based on physics. This is what makes the CG film different from other anime productions: the technology enables the on-screen character to mimic even the most minute details of a person's face, right down to the movements of their facial muscles. This technology was developed mainly by students majoring in physics in the Morishima Laboratory at Waseda University. They are continuing to develop the technology used in the film while researching the theme of technology that moves people and makes them happy.