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Okonomiyaki and Yakisoba

Yakisoba: Recipe (2)

step 3

If you like, top with aonori (dried green seaweed). It's ready to eat.

step 4

You can use any kind of meat for Yakisoba. It is also delicious with seafood, such as prawns. It tastes good with any vegetables - for example, green peppers, mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, celery, and broccoli - so put more vegetables in if you like.

step 5

Just cut them to the right size and thickness for stir-frying and saute them until they soften. For bigger pieces of vegetable you might have to boil them a little to soften them up. You can also give the yakisoba a more Chinese flavor by using soy sauce or oyster sauce instead of Worcestershire sauce.

okonomiyaki and yakisoba

Yakisoba is very easy to cook,
so why don't you give it a go?