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Diamond Princess Makes Maiden Voyage (April 7, 2004)

Diamond Princess
The Diamond Princess (Cruise Magazine)
The Diamond Princess, one of the largest passenger liners in the world with a gross weight of 116,000 tons, set out on its maiden voyage from Los Angeles to Mexico and back on March 13 after being completed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., at the Nagasaki Shipyard and handed over to its owner, P&O Princess Cruises.

Different from Existing Passenger Ships
The Diamond Princess differs from existing passenger ships, first of all, in the fact that when cruising it uses a diesel engine and when moving at high speed it employs a CODAG-configuration power system, which combines the diesel engine and a gas turbine. While providing strong output, the gas turbine, which utilizes airplane technology, produces little noise and little vibration. Though rooms right above the propeller would normally be quite noisy and subject to vibration, it would be possible to put luxury suites in this location on the Diamond Princess. At the same time, the positioning of the gas turbine behind the funnel gives the ship more inner space.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries developed the design for the ship through repeated research in its water tank experiment laboratory. For example, in order to prevent the smell of exhaust gas from the funnel and sewage tanks from reaching the open deck or cabin balconies, the company carried out wind tunnel tests repeatedly for about half a year before deciding on the shape of the funnel surroundings and the distribution of exhaust pipes.

State-of-the-Art Environmental Technology
As environmental technology, meanwhile, the Diamond Princess uses the world's first low-exhaust diesel engine, along with a smoke-extraction apparatus for garbage incineration and a sewage processing apparatus developed from next-generation biotechnology. Through the utilization of garbage for power generation, the secondary use of processed waste water, and so on, the ship processes all of the large amount of waste produced during a voyage on board and discards absolutely nothing into the ocean. In addition, when anchored in port, the Diamond Princess receives power supply from land instead of its own engines, thereby reducing exhaust to zero at such times.

The Diamond Princess measures 290 meters in length and 37.5 meters in width and rises 54 meters above water level, the height of an 18-story building. The ship has 1,339 cabins for 2,670 passengers (calculated as two persons per cabin) and a crew of about 1,200. The magnificent facilities on board include a dance hall, three show lounges, five swimming pools, a miniature golf course, a tennis court, three main dining rooms, and two subrestaurants.

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Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

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