shinsotsu |
(Jiji) |
People in their twenties who quit their first postgraduation job after a few years to look for another.
Dai-ni shinsotsu, which literally
means "secondary new graduate," refers to job-seekers around the age
of 25 who have quit their first job after about three or four years. These people
fall somewhere in between new graduates and older workers looking for a career
change. During the economic bubble of the late 1980s, corporations and start-ups
looked favorably on hiring dai-ni shinsotsu, as they
cost less to train than new graduates. When the bubble collapsed and the economy
entered a prolonged period of stagnation, however, dai-ni
shinsotsu became a largely overlooked group.
They have been getting more attention of late, though. Recruit Ablic Inc., the
nation's largest employment agency, has had some 2,000 job openings available
to dai-ni shinsotsu this year, three times as many
as in 2003. The improved economic outlook seems to have persuaded an increasing
number of companies to fill positions immediately rather than waiting for new
college graduates in the spring. Many of the positions available are in sales,
indicating that these companies are hoping to expand their customer bases.
The fact that many young people are quitting their first jobs after a few years
indicates that the idea of lifetime employment no longer holds sway over the younger
generation. Recent data suggests that as many as 30% of new hires quit within
three years. As the graduate job-hunting season now starts earlier and is shorter
than it used to be, some graduates rush to take a job only to find out when they
start it that it does not suit them.
While dai-ni shinsotsu may have less experience than
older workers undertaking a career change, employers take reassurance from the
fact that they do have a certain level of experience in a work environment. Many
large companies are consciously aiming to fill a certain proportion of their vacancies
with dai-ni shinsotsu.
There is even a temporary-employment agency that specializes in using dai-ni
shinsotsu. Many young people take temporary employment when switching jobs
with the hope that it will lead to a permanent position down the road. Potential
employers, however, examine young job-hoppers very closely to ensure that they
have a solid work ethic, and those who have quit a job for trivial reasons may
not get a hearing. Many in the corporate world say that young people hoping to
switch jobs should take a critical look at themselves before making such a move.