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2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan TM Special Links
Japan and the World Cup Quiz
What do you know about Japan, one of the venues of the 2002 FIFA WORLD CUP KOREA/JAPAN™?
Is it about Sushi, Sumo, or Japanese cars?
This quiz contains five questions about Japan and the World Cup. You can move on to the next quiz every time you answer correctly. If you want to know more about a particular answer, you can also move on to a page that explains more.
Everyone who gets all the questions right will have a chance to win "Enjoy Japan and the World Cup!" published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Winners will be chosen by drawing.
Why not use this opportunity to learn more about Japan?
We look forward to your participation!
Question1 Venue Information
The upcoming 2002 FIFA World Cup™ will be the first soccer World Cup to be held in Asia. Which is the northernmost venue?
1 Sapporo
2 Ibaraki
3 Osaka

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