Web Japan
2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan TM Special Links
Useful Japanese phrases: Let's say it in Japanese!
(Konnichiwa)Good afternoon/Hello.
(Arigato)Thank you.
(Ogenkidesuka?)How are you?
(Sumimasen)Excuse me.
(Sayonara)Good bye.

At the match
(Gambare!)Go for it!
(Yatta!)They did it!

At a hotel
(Yoyaku shiteiru (your name) desu)
My name is OO. I have a booking (tonight).

(Ippaku ikura desu ka?)
How much per night?

(Card de harae masu ka?)
Do you accept credit cards?

At a restaurant or shop
(Menu o misete kudasai)
Please show me the menu.

(Kore wa ikura desu ka?)
How much is this?

(Kore o kudasai)
I'll take it.

Asking for help
(Keisatsu (Byoin) e ikitai desu)
I'd like to go to the police station (hospital).

(Passport o nakushi mashita)
I've lost my passport.

(Tasukete kudasai)
Please help me.

((Name of language) go no hanaseru hito wa imasu ka?)
Is there anyone who can speak (Name of language)?

((Name) Eki (Kyogijyo/Toilet/Koshudenwa) wa doko desu ka?)
Where is (Name) station (Stadium/the lavatory/the pay phone)?

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