NIPPONIA No.22 September 15, 2002
Special Feature*
One scene in Rampei Monogurui (Rampei Goes Insane). Here the main character, Rampei (played by Onoe Shoroku, center), fights with his enemies.
Almost all of these actors graduated from The Kabuki Actor Training Center. (Photo credit: Shochiku Corp.)


(1) Practicing a tombo stunt during a tachimawari fight scene. A tombo is a mid-air somersault. When an actor performs an especially good one, the audience claps loudly. Kabuki plays have more fight scenes than you would expect. (2) Practicing a tachimawari with staves made from cherry tree branches, instead of swords. The cherry wood
adds to the colorful atmosphere on stage. (3) The instructor is demand, making sure that arms are raised and legs are spread to portray strength and offer visual appeal. (4) Trainees wear yukata during the lesson. They teach each other how to put them on and fold them after use. (5) When the action comes to a climax the actor pauses dramatically in a mie pose. Once he can do this well, he's a pro.


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