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Chado or Sado
(Tea Ceremony)

The Three Senke Schools


Sen So'oku, the future grand master of Mushakouji Senke

Sen no Rikyu (1522-1591), who perfected chado, was a successful merchant who was respected even by Japan's ruler of the time, Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598). He hosted various tea events and was also deeply involved in politics.

After the death of Rikyu, the art of chado was passed down the generations. Of the four sons of one of Rikyu's grandsons, the second, third, and fourth sons became heirs to the Senke tea ceremony ("Senke" means "Sen family"). The second son, Soshu, started the Mushakouji Senke school; the third son, Sosa, the Omote Senke school; and the fourth son, Soshitsu, the Ura Senke school. Since that time, the three Senke schools have kept the chado tradition alive for 400 years.

Kids Web Japan visited Sen So'oku (his real name is Sen Masayoshi), the oldest son of Futessai Soshu, the current grand tea master of the Mushakouji Senke school and the fourteenth generation from Rikyu. So'oku will one day be the fifteenth grand master.