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Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > FAQ > Geography: Regions


Geography: Regions

  • Where is Atsugi?
    Atsugi is located in Kanagawa Prefecture, about one hour west of Tokyo.

  • What is the climate of Hokkaido like?
    Go to the section on Hokkaido in our Regions of Japan section.

  • What city or cities are associated with snow and ice festivals?
    Go to the Sapporo Snow Festival page in Annual Calendar to read about Japan's biggest snow festival, held in Hokkaido Prefecture's capital city. Other prefectures also host snow and ice festivals - mostly those in northeastern Japan and along the Japan Sea coast - but Hokkaido is where the largest number of these festivals are held.

  • How can my school group send paper cranes to the Hiroshima Peace Park?
    Millions of paper cranes arrive at the Peace Park in Hiroshima each year from across the world in a showing of the folders' prayer for peace and are displayed around the Children's Peace Monument. You can make your contribution, too, by stringing 1,000 cranes in garlands of 100 cranes each and sending them to:
       Office of the Mayor
       City of Hiroshima
       1-6-34 Kokutaiji-machi
       Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0042 JAPAN
    You can also search the Web for organizations that can help you send cranes.

  • We think there is a kite festival held in Nagasaki every April. Could you give us any information about the event?
    You're right! There is a kite festival held every year on the first Sunday in April. The kind of kites flown at the festival are called hata. Nagasaki is famous for these kites. They do not look like other Japanese kites but are very similar to some Indian fighting kites.

  • Are there states or provinces in Japan?
    There are 47 prefectures in Japan. These are the Japanese equivalent of states or provinces. You can find out about the prefectures and the important sights and events found there by going to Japan Atlas and clicking on "Index by Prefecture.