A new series of Airbots was unveiled in 2008.
(C)WiZ 2007
Meanwhile, the flying robots are remote-controlled toys called Airbots. It was the ability to make very light robots that enabled the developers of these toys to realize their dream of having robots fly through the air. The first series of Airbots went on sale in 2007. The toys were updated in 2008 and are now even easier to fly.
Airbots have two rotor blades on their backs and a controller that allows them to take off, hover, and land. By pulling on the cable connecting the controller to the robot, the operator can pilot the Airbot up and down, and left and right. Operators can also enjoy experimenting with the robots by adjusting the angles of various parts to make them move differently. And the best thing of all is that these robots can battle each other in the skies.
(Updated in December 2008)