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Wanten is the name of another innovative model of shoe. These shoes support kids' feet throughout the day, keeping the wearer comfortable whether walking to school, playing with friends, or doing sports. The shoes feature specially developed insoles that fit the soles of children's feet perfectly. They also have cushioning to protect the heel and to reduce the shock when the wearer's foot lands on the ground. This means kids can run around without worrying about the impacts on their feet.
The key qualities of good running shoes are that they are the right size, the right shape, and lightweight. The heel of the shoe should hug the back of your foot. If there is too much room, your feet will slide around and you won’t be able to move properly. Good shoe-wearing habits, like not crushing the back of the shoes and fastening shoe laces or Velcro tape securely, are important for this reason.
Even more important than having the right shoes, of course, is practicing hard, just like an Olympic athlete does. If you practice hard, you’re sure to impress everyone with your efforts on sports day, whether you win or not.
(Updated in November 2008)