Enter the Game Room on the third floor and you'll see everyone gathered around a large foosball table in feverish concentration. Spinning the handles on this table makes the football-player figures rotate to kick a tiny ball back and forth. Up to eight people can play at once, so you can get together with friends and compete to see who can score more goals.
In the hallway there's an original Tokyo Toy Museum capsule vending machine. The capsules contain an assortment of desirable items such as specially made spinning tops or Ichiro bat straps. In case that you have a toy that's broken, take it to the Toy Hospital. They can repair almost anything, including battery-powered stuffed animals, radio controlled toys, and electronic keyboards.

During the summer vacation season there will be workshops on handmade toys, providing a perfect opportunity for your research or assignment. This museum is like an amusement park you can visit with your friends or your brothers and sisters.
(Updated in August 2008)