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October 1996

Japanese Schools on the Internet

The Internet is making rapid inroads into Japan's education system. There are already over 100 schools that have their own home pages, and a number of nationwide projects are underway linking these schools through the Internet.

In one such project, schools in different parts of the country planted pumpkin seeds simultaneously and kept each other informed of how the plants were growing. In another, schools in different regions carried out tests on rain water to check for acid rain.

The schools have also hooked up with institutions overseas. E-mail has been exchanged with students and others from around the world, and joint projects have been undertaken with schools in other countries. One interesting example was the creation of an electronic picture book of a famous Japanese legend by the Shimizu Kokusai High School using drawings e-mailed from kids abroad.

Many students who have accessed the Internet say the world seems much closer to them now and are excited at being to communicate with people living in different parts of the globe.

Those who have worked on a home pages report they're thrilled when they get feedback, and this encourages them to work harder to make their site interesting and enjoyable.

Photos: (top and right) Learning to navigate one's way through an ocean of multimedia messages. (KYODO)

Below is a select list of Japanese schools that have home pages in English.

Center for Educational Computing--100 School Networking Project