The village of Otaki has a unique exchange program under
which city kids attend the school for a year. They get to experience life
in the countryside and learn to look after themselves. They also enjoy
fishing, camping, and skiing and like program so much that some stay for
a second or third year. |
Elementary and
Middle School

The things we do differently from other schools
Trip to Australia |
Many Experiences |
the two-day sightseeing tour of Kanagaroo Island, I experienced an amazing
range of things, including climbing a sand dune to take in the stunning
view from the top, seeing many different animals in a national park, going
out at night to see some fairy penguins, and visiting a eucalyptus oil
factory and a sheep farm.
the first day we visited the Remarkable Rocks inside Flinders Chase National
Park. We had to walk quite a long way from the car park, which tired me
out. When I saw the Remarkable Rocks before my eyes I thought, "Those
really are some big, funny-shaped rocks!" I'd heard that in the past five
people have slipped off the path into the sea and been eaten by sharks,
so I took great care walking. I took pictures of everyone climbing on
these weird-shaped rocks.

next experience that left a deep impression on me was a visit on our second
day to Clifford's Honey Farm, which is said to make the world's purest
honey. The reason why the honey there is the purest in the world is that
it is the only place in the world where the species of bee that lives
there can be found, and these bees are extremely good at making honey.
Here we got to see a bees' nest close up. I was surprised to learn that
the honey collected each month varies from one month to the next. That's
because the flowers that are in bloom vary during the year, so the type
of flowers the bees visit also vary. |
visited so many different places on Kangaroo Island and I have so memories.
I feel I learned a lot about the nature and industry of the whole island.