Suginami Sentai Irenja (Suginami City, Tokyo) |
Action heroes that are active in a specific region are popping up across Japan.
One example is the Suginami Sentai Irenja (Suginami Task Force Rangers) of Tokyo's Suginami Ward, the members
of which are clad in red, blue, yellow, green, and pink suits. The mission of
these heroes is to encourage people to conserve resources by using their own shopping
bags instead of the plastic bags given out at supermarkets and convenience stores.
Originally introduced as characters in a publicity video made by Suginami Ward,
the characters were so popular that they now show up in environmental campaigns
and other events in the ward. They're so famous that practically every Suginami
resident is familiar with them.
The Irenja are modeled after a TV series that began in 1975 under the title
of Himitsu Sentai Gorenja (Secret Task Force Goranger).
The go of Goranger means
five. The series depicted the story of five young people who protect the earth
together by transforming themselves into heroes with names like Aka Renja (Red
Ranger) and Ao Renja (Blue Ranger) and fighting enemies who plot to conquer the
world. More of these "super task force" series have been made since
then, and the series that is currently on the air, Tokuso
Sentai Dekarenja (Special Investigation Task Force Dekaranger), is the
twenty-eighth series in the line.
Local hero groups created in imitation of these series are usually given names
in the form of Something Sentai Something Ranger. They typically consist of three
to five members, each of whom is assigned a different color and task, and who
work together to achieve a mission specific to that region.
The city of Hirado in Nagasaki Prefecture is home to the Hirado Boei Sentai
Hiradoshiman (Hirado Defense Task Force Hiradoshiman). Members of the local board
of trade, all in their thirties, formed the group to promote the development of
the city and protect it from the enemy called depopulation. They are immensely
popular with children, as they engage in many charity activities, like visiting
children at hospitals in the Christmas season and posing for snapshots with visitors
at special events.
Terebi Shin Hiro TSS (Shin Hiroshima Telecasting Co., Ltd.) |
Some heroes have been created by local TV stations. For example, the Terebi Shin
Hiro TSS (TV New Hero TSS) is a trio invented in 2000 to commemorate the twenty-fifth
anniversary of Shin Hiroshima Telecasting (TSS) in Hiroshima Prefecture. TV New
Hero fever has spawned a CD of the theme song and various products featuring the
characters. The trio protects the children of Hiroshima from the "misdeed
waves" emitted by the evil General Noise.
More than 130 kinds of local heroes now exist throughout Japan. When you include
hero rangers that are created temporarily at school festivals and parties, the
number is almost infinite. Maybe your town will soon have its own local heroes