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Liberal Party Represented in New, Slimmer Setup
January 20, 1999

Obuchi, front and center; Takeshi Noda stands second from
the left, in the front row. (Kyodo)
Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi on January 14, 1999, named his new cabinet
and launched a coalition government comprising his own Liberal Democratic
Party and the Liberal Party. Obuchi pared the number of ministers in the new
cabinet from 20 to 18; in all, 3 members of the previous cabinet resigned,
making room for Liberal Party member Takeshi Noda to take the position of
minister of home affairs.
The LDP had been carrying out talks with the Liberals in order to form a
political alliance between the two conservative parties and bolster its
position in the House of Councillors, where it lacks a majority. (The LDP
enjoys a majority in the House of Representatives.) The LDP-Liberal tie-up
brings the coalition within 11 seats of a majority in the Upper House; the
parties hope this will lead to smoother sailing for their policy proposals
Liberal Party Secretary General Takeshi Noda was tapped to become home
affairs minister after Ichiro Ozawa, the party president, declined the spot.
Ozawa had been urged by Obuchi to join the cabinet, but he cited his desire
to concentrate on Liberal Party affairs and recommended Noda for the
Based on an agreement between the two parties, Obuchi also reduced the
number of ministers from 20 to 18. Four posts will be held concurrently by
already serving cabinet members: Minister of Construction Katsutsugu Sekiya
will also hold the post of National Land Agency chief, Chief Cabinet
Secretary Hiromu Nonaka will head the Okinawa Development Agency, Minister
of Transport Jiro Kawasaki will serve as chief of the Hokkaido Development
Agency, and Akito Arima will add the post of Science and Technology Agency
chief to his current position as minister of education.
The full lineup of the coalition cabinet is as follows (the names of the
ministers are followed by their age, house membership, and major posts held
to date):
Prime Minister
Keizo Obuchi
Twelve-term member of
the House of Representatives; Chief Cabinet
Secretary (State Minister);
Foreign Minister; LDP President.
(Click here
for Episodes in the Life of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi)
Justice Minister
Jinnouchi (65)
Three-term member
of the House of Councillors; Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Agriculture,
Forestry, and Fisheries.
(Note: Jinnouchi replaced Shozaburo Nakamura as Justice Minister on March 8,
Koumura (56)
Six-term member of the
House of Representatives; Director General,
Economic Planning Agency
(State Minister); State Secretary for
Foreign Affairs.
Finance Minister
Kiichi Miyazawa
Two-term member of the
House of Councillors and eleven-term member
of the House of
Representatives; International Trade and Industry
Minister; Foreign Minister;
Chief Cabinet Secretary (State Minister);
Finance Minister; Prime
Education Minister; Director General, Science and
Technology Agency (State Minister)
Akito Arima (68)
First-term member of the
House of Councillors; former President
of Tokyo University.
Health and Welfare
Miyashita (71)
Seven-term member of the
House of Representatives; Director General,
Defense Agency (State
Minister); Director General, Environment
Agency (State Minister).
Agriculture, Forestry, and
Fisheries Minister
Nakagawa (45)
Five-term member of the
House of Representatives; Parliamentary
Vice-Minister for
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.
International Trade and
Industry Minister
Kaoru Yosano
Seven-term member of the
House of Representatives; Education Minister;
Deputy Chief Cabinet
Transport Minister; Director General, Hokkaido Development Agency
(State Minister)
Jiro Kawasaki (51)
Five-term member of the
House of Representatives; Parliamentary
Vice-Minister for Posts and
Posts and Telecommunications
Seiko Noda (38)
Two-term member of the
House of Representatives; Parliamentary
Vice-Minister for Posts and
Labor Minister
Akira Amari (49)
Five-term member of the
House of Representatives; Parliamentary
Vice-Minister for
International Trade and Industry.
Construction Minister; Director General, National Land
Agency (State Minister)
Katsutsugu Sekiya
Eight-term member
of the House of Representatives; Posts and Telecommunications
Home Affairs Minister
Takeshi Noda
Nine-term member of the
House of Representatives; Director General, Economic Planning Agency (State
Minister); Construction Minister.
Chief Cabinet Secretary
(State Minister); Director
General, Okinawa Development Agency (State Minister)
Hiromu Nonaka
Six-term member of the
House of Representatives; Minister of Home
Affairs; Chairman of the
National Public Safety Commission (Minister
of State).
Director General,
Management and Coordination Agency (State Minister)
Seiichi Ota (53)
Six-term member of the House
of Representatives; Parliamentary
Vice-Minister for Finance.
Director General, Defense Agency
(State Minister)
Hosei Norota
Five-term member of the
House of Representatives and one-term member of the House of Councillors;
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries;
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Minister.
Director General, Economic
Planning Agency (State Minister)
Sakaiya (63)
Author; Economic critic;
Former bureaucrat, Ministry of International
Trade and Industry.
Director General,
Environment Agency (State Minister)
Kenji Manabe
Three-term member
of the House of Councillors; Parliamentary Vice-Minister
for International Trade
and Industry
Reconstruction Minister
Hakuo Yanagisawa
Five-term member of the
House of Representatives; Parliamentary
Vice-Minister for Foreign
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by Japan Echo Inc. based on domestic Japanese news sources. Articles
presented here are offered for reference purposes and do not necessarily
represent the policy or views of the Japanese Government.