Buildings are crammed close together in many parts of Greater Tokyo, making it increasingly difficult to develop more living space above ground. This is why the Geotropolis Concept is being promoted for the development of an entirely new subterranean urban environment, complete with streets for shopping and stations for high-speed subway trains. The research is being done more than 50 meters under the ground in the western part of Greater Tokyo.
Since experiments began in 1989, the goal has been to translate Geotropolis from concept to reality. Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd., launched its SubTerranean Urban Development (STUD) project, digging a shaft 50 meters into the ground to develop new technologies that will ensure the safety and comfort of people underground. The project is located in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture.
A thick layer of mudstone lies under the Greater Tokyo area, including Sagamihara. The layer is very strong, making it ideal for developing facilities deep under the ground. If the Geotropolis Concept leads to the development of a comfortable living environment under the ground, we will be able to take advantage of subterranean conditions, such as excellent insulation from heat and cold, and protection from earthquakes. Someday, living space in Japan could expand to places underground.