Are you having trouble finding the information you want? There's more stuff contained in Kids Web Japan than you could imagine, if you just know where to go! Kids Web FAQ answers commonly asked questions and guides you to the right place to find more information. Questions and answers are arranged by category.
- Government
- national flag and anthem, name of Japan, prime minister, Diet, policy
- Economy
- imports and exports, transportation, robots, energy
- Japan and the world
- studying Japanese, study in Japan, peace
- Culture
- festivals, calendar, language, religion, arts, literature [folk legends], music, origami, tea ceremony, marriage, names, customs
- Sports
- sumo, aikido, karate, soccer, Olympics
- History
- Daily life
- food, housing [tatami, futon, pets], fashion, clothes, kimono, driver's license, measurements, computers
- School life
- Kids' life
- anime, Godzilla
- People
- famous people
- Regions
- Nature and Climate
- wildlife, earthquakes, volcanoes, geographical features, climate, typhoons, time difference
- Environmental activities
- Statistics
- population, life expectancy, highest building